10 Early Symptoms and First Signs of Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB)

7. Fainting or Light-headedness: The Unexpected Loss of Balance

Fainting or Light-headedness The Unexpected Loss of Balance

Another early sign of AFIB that can be particularly alarming is fainting, also known as syncope, or experiencing episodes of light-headedness. Fainting is usually caused by a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain, which can occur in AFIB due to the irregular heartbeat disrupting the heart’s pumping efficiency.

Fainting or feeling light-headed can occur suddenly and without warning, causing a person to fall or need to lie down. While fainting can be scary, it’s important to remember that it’s your body’s way of getting you into a horizontal position to restore blood flow to your brain. But what should really concern you is why you’re fainting or feeling light-headed in the first place.

In the context of AFIB, fainting may occur during a rapid heartbeat episode (tachycardia), where the heart is beating so fast that it doesn’t have time to fill properly between beats. This can drastically reduce the volume of blood being pumped with each beat, leading to decreased blood flow to the brain and the potential for fainting or light-headedness.

Experiencing these symptoms, particularly if they are recurrent or accompanied by other AFIB symptoms like palpitations, shortness of breath, or chest pain, warrants immediate medical attention. (7)

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