10 Early Symptoms of Lyme Disease: Recognizing the First Signs for Timely Treatment

Symptom 3. Fever and Chills: The Flu-like Onset

Symptom 3. Fever and Chills The Flu-like Onset

Fever and chills are common early symptoms of Lyme disease, often appearing within the first few weeks following a tick bite. These symptoms can be mild or severe, leading many people to initially mistake Lyme disease for a case of the flu.

A low-grade fever, generally ranging from 99°F to 101°F, is typical during the early stages of Lyme disease. The fever may be accompanied by chills, causing individuals to feel cold and shiver, even when they are bundled in warm clothing. These symptoms can last for several days or even weeks if left untreated.

It is crucial to consider the possibility of Lyme disease if fever and chills occur after spending time in a tick-prone area, particularly if other symptoms, such as erythema migrans, joint pain, or fatigue, are also present. Seeking medical attention for a proper evaluation and diagnosis is vital, as early treatment can prevent the infection from progressing to more severe stages.

If Lyme disease is diagnosed, prompt antibiotic treatment can help reduce fever and chills and prevent long-term complications. In addition to medical treatment, getting adequate rest, staying hydrated, and taking over-the-counter fever reducers can help manage these symptoms during the recovery process. (3)

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