10 Essential Facts About Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Life Expectancy

Fact 6: Available Treatment Approaches

Available Treatment Approaches

WM, while challenging, isn’t undefeatable. Over the years, the medical fraternity has developed a slew of treatments targeting the disease’s unique characteristics. The goal of these treatments isn’t just to increase life span but to ensure that the quality of life remains uncompromised.

Historically, chemotherapy has been the go-to approach for many cancers, including WM. It involves using potent drugs to kill or halt the growth of cancer cells. While effective, chemotherapy does have its set of side effects, given its impact on healthy cells. However, its efficacy in managing WM, especially in the earlier stages, is undeniable.

Unlike chemotherapy, which is akin to carpet bombing, targeted therapies are precision strikes. They focus specifically on cancer cells, leaving healthy cells largely unharmed. In the context of WM, targeted therapies can address the overproduction of IgM antibodies, offering a more tailored approach to treatment.

One of the direct consequences of WM is an increase in blood viscosity due to excessive IgM antibodies. Plasmapheresis offers a solution. This procedure involves filtering the blood to remove excess proteins, effectively addressing the issue of blood thickness. It’s a symptomatic treatment, ensuring that complications from hyperviscosity are kept at bay. (6)

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