10 Essential Facts You Should Know About Prognathism

Fact 6: Treatment Options

Treatment Options

Delving into the realm of treatments for prognathism offers a spectrum of solutions, ranging from non-invasive methods to surgical interventions. For those with milder misalignments, orthodontic tools such as braces or retainers might suffice. These devices, when worn over a specific duration, can gradually correct the alignment, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits.

However, for pronounced cases, orthognathic surgery often becomes the go-to solution. This surgical procedure aims to realign the jawbones, ensuring they meet correctly. While the very thought of surgery can be daunting, advancements in medical technology have made these procedures more precise, effective, and with reduced recovery times.

It’s also worth noting that treatment isn’t just about the physical correction. Comprehensive care often includes therapy sessions, helping individuals cope with the changes and addressing any psychological concerns stemming from their jaw misalignment. (6)

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