10 Essential Insights on Gingivitis Prognosis: What You Need to Know

6. Soft Gums – The Hidden Indicator

Soft Gums – The Hidden Indicator

Gums in good condition should feel firm to the touch. If you start to notice that your gums feel soft and spongy, it’s time to pay attention. This subtle change can be an early sign of gingivitis, signaling the need for a reassessment of your oral hygiene practices.

The softening of the gums typically results from the inflammation associated with plaque buildup. As the plaque accumulates, the gums respond by becoming tender and soft. This change might not be as immediately noticeable as bleeding or pain, but it’s an important indicator of gum health.

Maintaining a consistent and thorough oral hygiene routine is key. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can help combat plaque buildup and strengthen your gums. These practices are essential in maintaining gum firmness and overall oral health.

If you notice your gums becoming soft, don’t wait to take action. Reevaluate your oral care routine and consider seeking advice from a dental professional. They can provide a thorough examination and recommend specific products or treatments to address the softening of your gums and help restore them to a healthy state. (6)

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