10 Essential Insights on Gingivitis Prognosis: What You Need to Know

9. Loose or Shifting Teeth – An Advanced Warning

Loose or Shifting Teeth – An Advanced Warning

Loose or shifting teeth are advanced symptoms of gingivitis and can indicate the progression to periodontal disease. This symptom is a serious cause for concern and requires immediate professional attention.

The inflammation associated with gingivitis can weaken the ligaments and bones that hold your teeth in place, leading to looseness. Additionally, the formation of deep pockets between your teeth and gums can cause your teeth to shift. This can affect your bite and overall oral function.

Addressing loose or shifting teeth involves a thorough dental examination to determine the extent of the damage. Treatment might include deep cleaning, medication, or even surgery in more severe cases. The goal is to eliminate the infection, strengthen the support for your teeth, and prevent further damage.

If you notice your teeth becoming loose or shifting, contact your dentist immediately. Prompt treatment can make a significant difference in preserving your teeth and maintaining your oral health. Neglecting this symptom can lead to tooth loss and other severe complications. (9)

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