10 Important Facts About Cirrhosis of the Liver Life Expectancy

2. Jaundice: The Yellowing Alarm of Liver Damage

Jaundice The Yellowing Alarm of Liver Damage

Jaundice is characterized by a noticeable yellowing of the skin and eyes. It’s a direct consequence of the liver’s inability to process bilirubin, a yellow compound formed when red blood cells break down.

When the liver functions optimally, it filters bilirubin from the bloodstream, releasing it into the intestines as bile. However, with cirrhosis impeding this process, bilirubin levels rise in the blood, leading to the yellowish hue associated with jaundice.

Besides the apparent skin and eye discoloration, elevated bilirubin levels can result in dark urine and pale-colored stools. It’s a symptom that not only signifies liver damage but also highlights the severity of its impairment.

Furthermore, while jaundice is a prominent sign of liver issues, its presence could also indicate other medical conditions. As always, it’s crucial to seek medical advice if you or someone you know shows signs of jaundice. (2)

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