10 Important Facts About Cirrhosis of the Liver Life Expectancy

5. Cognitive Changes: The Mind’s Struggle with Cirrhosis

Cognitive Changes The Mind's Struggle with Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis can affect more than just physical well-being; it can also influence cognitive functions. Often termed “hepatic encephalopathy,” these changes arise when the liver cannot efficiently remove toxins from the bloodstream. These toxins then reach the brain, affecting its functioning.

Symptoms can range from mild, such as slight confusion or forgetfulness, to severe, involving personality changes, mood swings, or even a coma in advanced cases. There might be a notable difficulty in performing mental tasks that were previously straightforward.

In many instances, sleep disturbances become evident. The individual might find it challenging to stay awake during the day but experience insomnia at night. It’s a symptom that further compounds the fatigue associated with cirrhosis.

Given the profound impact on daily life and relationships, it’s crucial to address these cognitive changes early. Medical interventions can manage and even reverse some of these symptoms. (5)

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