10 Important Facts about Crossbite

2. Facial Asymmetry: The Skewed Mirror Reflection

Facial Asymmetry The Skewed Mirror Reflection

An unnoticed crossbite often manifests externally as facial asymmetry. The face, designed to be symmetrical, becomes skewed due to misaligned teeth affecting jaw positioning.

Now, let’s break this down. Imagine one side of the face appearing more developed or bulkier than the other. This isn’t a natural occurrence but a consequence of an untreated crossbite. Over time, as the jaw is forced to accommodate the misaligned teeth, it adjusts, leading to a visibly asymmetrical face.

There’s more to it, though. This asymmetry isn’t just cosmetic. It affects the functionality of the jaw. One might experience difficulties in performing regular tasks like eating or speaking. In some cases, the asymmetry might even lead to TMJ disorders or chronic jaw pain.(2)

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