10 Important Facts About Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders (NMOSD, Neuromyelitis Optica, NMO, Devic’s Disease) Life Expectancy

10. Hormonal and Sexual Dysfunction: A Personal Challenge

Hormonal and Sexual Dysfunction A Personal Challenge

Given NMOSD’s wide-reaching effects on the body, it’s no surprise that it can influence hormonal balance and sexual functions. Patients might experience irregular menstrual cycles, reduced libido, or even impotence.

These symptoms are multi-faceted in their origins. They could be a direct outcome of the disease’s impact on the central nervous system, a side effect of medications, or even a result of the emotional strain of dealing with NMOSD.

The challenges posed by these symptoms are two-fold. Firstly, there’s the physical aspect of it. Hormonal imbalances can lead to a plethora of issues ranging from weight gain to osteoporosis. On the other hand, sexual dysfunction can strain personal relationships.

However, it’s the emotional and psychological repercussions that often weigh heavier. Dealing with these symptoms can lead to feelings of inadequacy, reduced self-worth, and further isolation. It’s crucial for patients and their partners to communicate openly about these challenges and seek medical guidance. (10)

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