Symptom 4: Unintended Weight Loss
It’s one thing to shed pounds when you’re trying, and another when weight slips away without effort. For those with indolent lymphoma, this unintentional weight loss can be both puzzling and alarming. Over weeks and months, without any significant changes in diet or exercise, clothes may fit more loosely, and the scales register lower numbers.
Everyone’s weight fluctuates. It’s a dance of calories, activities, and metabolic rates. But a drop of more than 10% of body weight over a span of six months without deliberate effort is a red flag. When paired with the other subtle signs of indolent lymphoma, this seemingly benign weight loss takes on a more sinister meaning.
The mechanics behind this symptom remain under investigation. One theory postulates that the lymphoma cells use up more of the body’s energy. Another suggests that substances produced by these cancerous cells affect the appetite, leading to reduced food intake. Whatever the cause, this unexpected weight reduction signifies the body’s response to the underlying malignancy.
Weight loss, particularly when it’s rapid and unintended, can leave one feeling weak and frail. It’s not just about the physical depletion of reserves, but also the psychological toll. Such unexpected changes can lead to anxiety or depression, further compounding the challenges faced by those battling the condition.
The body has a way of communicating distress, and unintended weight loss is one such silent yet potent cry for attention. It’s crucial to remain attuned to these changes and, more importantly, to seek medical counsel when they arise, especially in conjunction with other symptoms of indolent lymphoma. (4)