3. Respiratory Issues: Not Just a Common Cold

If you find yourself frequently short of breath, coughing without reason, or feeling an unusual tightness in your chest, you might chalk it up to allergies or even the common cold. However, these can be signs of Kaposi’s Sarcoma affecting your respiratory system. Unlike simple respiratory illnesses, these symptoms don’t usually improve with over-the-counter treatments and may progressively worsen.
Respiratory issues in the context of KS are especially concerning because they signify the cancer could be spreading to your lungs. The gravity of this situation is multi-layered.
For starters, it indicates that KS has moved beyond the skin and is now affecting critical internal organs. Moreover, respiratory complications can quickly escalate and become life-threatening if not adequately managed.
As time goes by, you may notice your symptoms escalating. Simple tasks like climbing stairs or walking could leave you gasping for breath. Your cough may worsen, and you might even cough up blood. At this stage, medical intervention becomes crucial to not only manage the symptoms but also to prevent any further complications.(3)