Symptom 3: Abdominal Pain

Pain is the body’s alarm system. In the case of AIH, one such alarm bell rings in the form of abdominal discomfort, specifically in the upper right segment. This region houses our liver, and any pain or tenderness here warrants attention.
The liver, enveloped by a capsule, is sensitive to swelling or inflammation. As AIH progresses and inflammation intensifies, this capsule stretches, manifesting as discomfort or pain. It’s like an overfilled balloon on the verge of bursting. However, unlike other symptoms, abdominal pain due to AIH can be subtle initially, gradually intensifying as the condition advances.
For those experiencing such discomfort, it can be easy to misattribute it to other common ailments like indigestion or gastritis. However, the persistence and location of this pain can be distinguishing factors. Paired with other AIH symptoms, this discomfort can provide significant diagnostic clues.
Understanding the nature of this pain, its triggers, and its patterns can offer valuable insights into AIH’s progression. Moreover, timely identification and treatment can alleviate this symptom, enhancing the patient’s quality of life. In the AIH puzzle, abdominal pain is a piece that can’t be overlooked. (3)