6. Acid Reflux: The Fiery Backflow in Duodenitis

Acid reflux, commonly known as heartburn, feels like a burning sensation that often originates from the stomach and moves upwards towards the throat. In duodenitis, the inflammation of the duodenum can upset the delicate balance of stomach acids, leading to this irritating symptom.
The stomach produces acid to help break down food. However, in duodenitis, the affected duodenum struggles with its function, leading to food staying longer in the stomach. This delay causes the stomach to produce even more acid. It’s like a factory working overtime, but with nowhere to offload its production.
Sometimes, this excess acid finds its way up, leading to the burn of acid reflux. For many, this sensation is especially prominent at night. Imagine lying down and feeling the burn rise, making peaceful slumber almost impossible.
Some might taste a sour or bitter flavor in their mouth, a telltale sign of acid making its unwanted appearance. Avoiding certain trigger foods or adopting sleeping positions can help manage this symptom, but understanding its link to duodenitis remains crucial. (6)