8. Diarrhea: The Unpredictable Gut in Duodenitis

No one likes to talk about it, but diarrhea is a telltale symptom of many gastrointestinal issues, including duodenitis. Rapid, watery bowel movements can be distressing, especially when accompanied by the other symptoms of this condition.
With the duodenum inflamed, the processing of food can become erratic. The body, in its haste to get rid of what it sees as harmful, might speed up the digestive process, leading to diarrhea. What’s fascinating is the body’s reasoning: if it can’t process the food properly, it might as well expel it quickly.
This frequent purge, however, can lead to dehydration. Every trip to the bathroom leeches essential fluids and electrolytes from the body. The result? An individual might feel light-headed, thirsty, or even notice their skin becoming dry. (8)