10 Lung-Supporting Foods for Those Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

10. Green Tea: The Liquid Elixir for Your Lungs

Green Tea The Liquid Elixir for Your Lungs

A hot cup of green tea is often associated with relaxation and maybe a dash of caffeine. However, when you dig deeper into its biochemical composition, you find it’s a cocktail of compounds beneficial for lung health. The most famed among these is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a catechin known for its cancer-fighting properties. It’s like having an elite soldier in your tea cup, trained to combat cancer cells.

Diving deeper into the molecular world, green tea is also rich in polyphenols. These compounds, while not as popular as EGCG, work in the background to support your general health. For someone facing lung cancer, polyphenols could act like a team of engineers, maintaining the structural integrity of your cells.

Unlike other healthy beverages, green tea is surprisingly social. Its subtle taste makes it a universal palate pleaser. In a cancer journey fraught with rigorous treatments and lifestyle changes, a comforting cup of green tea can be both a simple pleasure and a complex ally against cancer. (10)

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