10 Most Distinct Symptoms of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

6. Bodily Disintegration: The Self Beyond Recognition

Bodily Disintegration The Self Beyond Recognition

One of the most unnerving experiences for an AIWS sufferer is feeling disconnected from their own body. It’s not just about seeing their hand or foot appear larger or smaller; it’s a deep-seated feeling that their body isn’t really theirs.

The roots of this sensation delve deep into the brain’s proprioceptive functions, which help us understand our body’s position in space. When these functions go awry, the result is a profound feeling of estrangement from one’s own body.

Daily activities, from walking to simply sitting down, take on a new dimension. Every movement becomes a conscious effort, often accompanied by a sensation of floating or being disjointed.

Emotionally, this can be harrowing. The very essence of self is anchored in our bodily experience. When that’s in flux, existential questions can emerge, leading to feelings of alienation and depersonalization. (6)

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