Symptom 9: Jaundice

Jaundice, characterized by the yellowing of the skin and eyes, is one of the most overt signs of liver distress. In the context of Hepatitis C, it’s a glaring symptom, indicating that the liver is under significant duress.
When the liver is functioning optimally, it processes and breaks down old red blood cells, producing bilirubin. This bilirubin, in healthy scenarios, is processed efficiently. But with HCV hampering liver functions, bilirubin levels surge, spilling into the bloodstream and subsequently, manifesting as the yellow tint in skin and eyes.
While the apparent change in appearance is concerning, jaundice is more than just a cosmetic issue. It’s an urgent sign that the liver’s functionality is compromised. Left unchecked, elevated bilirubin levels can lead to more severe complications, affecting the brain, leading to a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy.
Living with jaundice isn’t easy. Apart from the physical symptoms, like itchiness and the yellowing, the social and emotional implications are profound. Individuals might face social stigmatization, and the constant reminders in the mirror can lead to plummeting self-esteem.
Spotting jaundice, especially if coupled with other Hepatitis C symptoms, necessitates immediate medical attention. Timely interventions, lifestyle modifications, and specific treatments can reverse the condition. It’s paramount to focus on treating Hepatitis C, which in turn, addresses the jaundice. (9)