10 Nightmare Disorder Symptoms Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 3: Intense Emotional Reactions

Intense Emotional Reactions

Nightmares, by their very nature, stir emotions. However, those with nightmare disorder don’t just experience standard fear. The emotional gamut they run is vast, spanning from acute distress to overwhelming sadness, and sometimes, even rage. These aren’t fleeting emotions; they’re potent and persistent, lingering well beyond the confines of the dream.

Imagine waking up not just scared but seething with anger or drowned in sorrow. The confusion this brews is considerable, given that the source of these emotions is intangible — a mere figment of the mind. Yet, their potency can rival, if not surpass, emotions triggered by real-life events.

Over time, these intense emotional reactions can create a chasm between the dreamer and their environment. There’s a feeling of being out-of-sync, especially when the emotions are disproportionate to the waking reality. It’s not uncommon for individuals to feel isolated, struggling to articulate the depth and range of their feelings to those around them.

This emotional turbulence is more than just reactions to a dream. They become markers of the individual’s daily life. The anticipation of these intense emotions can also act as a deterrent, making the individual dread sleep, fearing the emotional maelstrom that might await. (3)

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