10 Nightmare Disorder Symptoms Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 6: Mood Disturbances

Mood Disturbances

Nightmares don’t operate in isolation. They tug at the intricate web of our psyche, upsetting the delicate balance of emotions. For individuals plagued with recurrent nightmares, mood disturbances become a frequent companion. It’s not just about waking up on the wrong side of the bed; it’s deeper, more pervasive.

From bouts of irritability to sudden onsets of sadness, the emotional landscape becomes unpredictable. Some days, there’s a pervasive gloom, a heaviness that’s hard to shake off. Other days, it’s a shorter fuse, a heightened sensitivity. These aren’t just passing phases; they’re a direct consequence of the mental and emotional tumult of nightmares.

Mood disturbances, as one can imagine, don’t stay confined to the individual. They spill over, affecting interpersonal dynamics. Patience might run thin. There could be withdrawal from social situations, or conversely, confrontations. Loved ones often find themselves walking on eggshells, unsure of the emotional terrain.

A common coping mechanism is seeking distractions—immersing oneself in work, hobbies, or other activities. But the undercurrent of mood disturbances remains. There’s a persistent shadow, sometimes in the background, sometimes overwhelmingly upfront, making genuine joy and relaxation elusive. (6)

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