10 Nightmare Disorder Symptoms Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 8: Night Sweats

Night Sweats

Picture this: waking up drenched, sheets damp, in the midst of the night. For someone with nightmare disorder, night sweats can be a recurring ordeal. These aren’t just regular episodes of being warm. They’re often accompanied by a surge of fear, a palpable remnant of a distressing dream.

Nightmares trigger the body’s stress response, leading to a spike in adrenaline. This heightened state of arousal can cause an increase in body temperature, culminating in sweating. It’s the body’s way of cooling down, but in the context of nightmares, it’s also a sign of the internal turmoil.

Beyond the immediate wetness, night sweats disrupt comfort. The dampness can make it challenging to return to sleep. Every toss and turn brings one in contact with the clammy sheets, a constant reminder of the nightmare that was.

Night sweats aren’t just about physical discomfort. They can be a source of embarrassment, especially if one shares the bed with a partner. Moreover, recurrent episodes might mean frequent changes of nightwear and bedding, adding to the daily chores and disruptions.

Tackling night sweats means addressing the underlying nightmares. Meanwhile, practical steps like using moisture-wicking bed linens, keeping the bedroom cool, and having a change of nightwear handy can help mitigate the immediate aftermath. (8)

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