10 Overlooked Symptoms of Celiac Disease: What You Need to Know

Symptom 4: Fatigue and Tiredness

Fatigue and Tiredness

In a world constantly on the move, fatigue seems like a common complaint. Yet, for those with celiac disease, this fatigue isn’t the result of a packed schedule or missed sleep. It’s a deeper, more pervasive exhaustion that seems unshakeable, affecting both physical and mental faculties.

The root of this profound tiredness lies in the small intestine. When gluten is consumed, it damages the villi, tiny structures responsible for nutrient absorption. Without optimal nutrient uptake, especially of iron and B12, energy production in the body is hindered, leading to persistent fatigue.

Beyond physical tiredness, many with celiac disease describe a ‘brain fog’. This isn’t just about forgetfulness but an overarching feeling of mental sluggishness. Concentrating becomes a task, and cognitive functions seem to slow down. It’s like trying to think through a haze, making even simple decisions taxing.

Given its non-specific nature, fatigue is often sidelined or attributed to lifestyle factors. But when rest doesn’t recharge and the fatigue continues, it’s essential to explore deeper causes. In the context of celiac, this symptom serves as a vital indicator, especially when paired with other signs on this list. (4)

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