10 Overlooked Symptoms of Celiac Disease: What You Need to Know

Symptom 9: Mouth Ulcers and Dental Issues

Mouth Ulcers and Dental Issues

Many of us view dental health in isolation, often separate from the rest of our bodily health. However, the mouth can often serve as a window, offering clues about systemic issues. For individuals with celiac disease, recurring mouth ulcers and certain dental problems might be the telltale signs shouting for attention.

We’ve all had the occasional canker sore or mouth ulcer. They’re pesky and uncomfortable but usually resolve on their own. Yet, for someone with celiac disease, these ulcers might appear with a troubling frequency. These aren’t just linked to accidentally biting the cheek but can be a more deep-rooted symptom of the autoimmune response to gluten.

Another striking dental manifestation in celiac disease is the presence of enamel defects. These aren’t the result of poor dental hygiene or excessive sugar consumption. Instead, they’re often symmetric and can range from grooves and lines to more pronounced discolorations. Their presence, especially when paired with other symptoms, can point towards celiac disease.

For many with these dental symptoms, visits to the dentist might yield no concrete solutions. The erosion might be attributed to brushing too hard or acidic foods. And while these are valid causes, in the backdrop of celiac disease, they’re merely the tip of the iceberg.(9)

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