10 Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS) Symptoms: A Deep Dive into the Silent Battle

6. Pain and Itching: The Agonizing Companions

Pain and Itching The Agonizing Companions

Contrary to popular belief, MS, particularly PPMS, isn’t devoid of pain. Many patients grapple with chronic pain that can range from dull aches to piercing sensations. Alongside, itching, devoid of any apparent skin condition, perplexes many.

Deteriorating nerves, as a consequence of PPMS, often send incorrect signals to the brain. Sometimes, these signals get interpreted as pain or itching, leading to sensations like burning, or the unnerving feeling of pins and needles crawling beneath the skin.

Beyond the physical discomfort, the unpredictability of this pain and itching can wear patients down. Not knowing when a wave of pain might strike or when an itching bout might begin can lead to heightened anxiety. Sleep can be disrupted, daily tasks can become monumental challenges, and the uncertainty can be mentally exhausting. (6)

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