Cause 2: Stress and Anxiety – More than Just Mental Strain

Stress has a sly way of infiltrating every aspect of our well-being. While it primarily begins as a mental burden, its repercussions echo throughout our bodies. We’re well aware of the headaches, muscle tension, and sleepless nights stress brings along, but who would’ve thought the tongue could be a canvas for its effects?
Our modern world is bustling with triggers that shoot our stress levels through the roof. Deadlines, personal obligations, and even constant digital connectivity push our minds into overdrive. The body responds by releasing cortisol, a stress hormone. This influx can bring about unexpected physical reactions, including the manifestation of geographic tongue.
One might wonder, “Why the tongue? Why not any other organ?” The answer lies in the intricate network of nerves and receptors. The tongue, being a sensitive organ, quickly reacts to physiological changes, rendering it susceptible to stress-induced conditions. (2)