Strategy 3: Opt for Alcohol Moderation

Alcohol’s impact on snoring is a direct consequence of its relaxing properties. At first thought, a relaxing drink might seem like the perfect bedtime companion, but here’s the catch: alcohol relaxes the muscles throughout the body, including those in the throat. This relaxation goes beyond the usual loosening up that happens during natural sleep, leading to a more profound collapse of the airway.
When alcohol is consumed, especially closer to bedtime, it depresses the central nervous system. This means that the usual reflexes and control we have over our muscles diminish. In the context of snoring, this translates to the floppy and sagging muscles of the throat, which create obstructions in the airway, leading to those turbulent vibrations and resultant snoring.
If one chooses to consume alcohol, timing can make a difference. It’s advised to allow at least a couple of hours between the last drink and bedtime. This gives the body ample time to process the alcohol, reducing its muscle-relaxing effects by the time one hits the sack.
Instead of reaching for that glass of wine or beer before bed, consider alternatives. Herbal teas like chamomile or valerian root can offer relaxation without the snore-inducing effects of alcohol. Such non-alcoholic beverages might even promote better sleep quality.(3)