10 Revealing Symptoms of Sessile Serrated Lesions: What to Watch Out For

10. Bloating That Persists: When Fullness Isn’t Just About Overeating

Bloating That Persists When Fullness Isn't Just About Overeating

Alright, we’ve all felt bloated after a hearty meal, but what if the swelling in your belly seems perpetual? Time to cut through the fluff. Persistent bloating could be yet another overlooked symptom of SSL, and it’s not just an inconvenience; it’s a message.

Now, this isn’t garden-variety bloating we’re talking about, the kind you can chalk up to an extra slice of pizza. This is relentless, day-in, day-out distension that leaves you feeling perpetually full. So what’s the connection to SSL? These lesions can trigger inflammatory proteins that irritate your gut lining, causing it to expand like a balloon.

Want a nitty-gritty fact? Your stomach is actually a muscle. Yes, and when it’s consistently bloated, it’s like it’s constantly flexing, unable to relax. That’s what this type of bloating feels like—a stomach that’s perpetually ‘at the gym,’ but getting no fitness benefits whatsoever.

Ah, but there’s more. If you’re wondering why your belly seems especially puffy in the evening, gravity is partially to blame. Throughout the day, fluid and gas accumulate in your gut, and if you’ve got SSL, your gut’s capacity to ‘deflate’ is compromised. Picture your stomach as a water balloon held under a tap. It’ll expand as it fills, but unlike a normal stomach, it won’t shrink back down. (10)

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