10 Serious Side Effects of Sleep Apnea and How to Address Them

9. Compromised Immune Function: The Forgotten Footnote

Compromised Immune Function The Forgotten Footnote

Your immune system, your body’s defense mechanism against infections, also takes a hit with sleep apnea. While the immune system isn’t as direct a target as your cardiovascular or metabolic systems, its efficiency does suffer in the face of recurrent sleep disruptions.

During deep sleep, your body produces proteins called cytokines, which not only help you sleep but also aid in fighting infections, inflammation, and stress. Repeated waking during the night can lead to reduced production of these proteins. Coupled with the elevated stress hormones, your immune response becomes less effective, making you more susceptible to infections.

What makes this particularly alarming is how innocuous it seems. You’re unlikely to connect that extra cold or flu to your sleep apnea, but a compromised immune system can lead to a higher frequency of illnesses. You find yourself falling sick more often but never really attribute it to your sleep disorder.(9)

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