10 Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer) Symptoms in Women: An In-Depth Analysis

9. Bloating and Abdominal Fullness: The Uncomfortable Expansion

Bloating and Abdominal Fullness The Uncomfortable Expansion

For many women, occasional bloating is par for the course, especially after indulgent meals or during certain times of the menstrual cycle. However, when bloating becomes a persistent companion and is accompanied by a sensation of fullness even without eating much, it could signal a gastric ulcer.

This bloating isn’t the usual food baby after a Thanksgiving meal. It’s a sensation that persists, making the abdomen feel tight, swollen, and uncomfortable. Even small meals or a glass of water can make one feel as if they’ve overeaten.

So, why does an ulcer cause this? The inflammation and irritation at the ulcer site can interfere with the stomach’s ability to empty itself efficiently. Food stays in the stomach longer than it should, leading to the sensation of fullness. Additionally, the irritation can cause the stomach to produce excess gas, contributing to the bloating.(9)

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