Coughing is the most common symptom, and most bronchitis patients see a doctor because of it. It is a protective reflex that clears the airways of excess mucus. Bronchitis is characterized by a frequent hacking cough in the beginning, which later becomes productive with a lot of mucus. The mucus can be clear, white, yellowish-gray or green in color — very rarely it may be streaked with blood. If this is the case, see a doctor immediately. A cough during bronchitis may sound like a rattle with a wheezing or whistling sound. Constant coughing is also very likely to make the chest and stomach muscles sore. Even after the other symptoms of acute bronchitis are gone, the cough typically persists for 10 to 20 days. Occasionally it may last for 4 or more weeks, while the bronchial tubes heal and the swelling goes down.