10 Symptoms of Acalculous Cholecystitis: Everything You Need to Know

Symptom 2: Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting, while common symptoms for various ailments, take on a specific context when viewed through the lens of acalculous cholecystitis. It’s not just the occasional wave of nausea after a questionable meal or a fleeting sensation of sickness. When linked to acalculous cholecystitis, it’s a profound and recurring urge.

Firstly, the pairing of these symptoms with the aforementioned abdominal pain raises eyebrows. One doesn’t just feel queasy; there’s a looming sense of unease, coupled with a sharp abdominal pain, creating a discomfort cocktail that’s hard to ignore.

Then, there’s the persistence. A stomach bug or food poisoning might lead to vomiting, but these instances are generally isolated. In contrast, individuals with acalculous cholecystitis might find themselves battling waves of nausea and vomiting without any clear triggers. The body, in its way, is sounding the alarm about the inflamed gallbladder.

Beyond the mere sensation of nausea, there’s a pattern to the vomiting. It’s not just any content that’s being regurgitated. Often, it’s bile—a greenish-yellow fluid. Such instances of vomiting bile can be directly linked to gallbladder troubles and should serve as an immediate cause for concern. (2)

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