10 Symptoms of Acalculous Cholecystitis: Everything You Need to Know

Symptom 3: Fever


A fever is one of the body’s primary defense mechanisms against infections, indicating that something’s amiss. But when fever appears alongside other symptoms on this list, it’s time to zoom in on acalculous cholecystitis. A raised body temperature in isolation might not say much, but combined with sharp abdominal pain and nausea, it paints a clearer picture.

The onset of a fever, in the context of this condition, isn’t just a slight increase in temperature. It’s often a high-grade fever that’s stubborn and doesn’t subside with the usual over-the-counter remedies. It’s the body’s response to inflammation or a potential infection in the gallbladder, a clear sign of distress.

Also, the fever might be accompanied by other symptoms like chills or night sweats. This combo isn’t merely uncomfortable—it’s a beacon highlighting the body’s ongoing battle. Acalculous cholecystitis, especially if caused by an infection, can manifest in these classic signs of inflammatory response.

Another point worth noting is the duration. While viral fevers or those caused by common infections might last a few days, a fever due to acalculous cholecystitis can be more prolonged unless the underlying cause is addressed. (3)

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