10 Symptoms of Amyloidosis in Women: Identifying the Signs of This Rare Disease

7. Irregular Heartbeat: The Cardiac Connection in Amyloidosis

Irregular Heartbeat The Cardiac Connection in Amyloidosis

An irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, can be a symptom of amyloidosis in women, particularly when the heart is affected by the disease. As previously mentioned, cardiac amyloidosis occurs when amyloid proteins accumulate in the heart tissue, interfering with the heart’s normal functioning. This can lead to a variety of heart-related symptoms, including arrhythmias, shortness of breath, chest pain, and swelling in the legs.

One of the most common forms of amyloidosis affecting the heart is called transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis. In this condition, the amyloids are deposited in the heart, causing thickening of the heart muscle, which can lead to an irregular heartbeat and other heart problems. This can also cause the heart to become enlarged and less effective in pumping blood, leading to heart failure.

Another form of amyloidosis that can affect the heart is light chain (AL) amyloidosis. This is a type of plasma cell disorder where the amyloids are produced by cancerous plasma cells and deposited in different organs, including the heart. AL amyloidosis can cause the heart to become stiff, leading to an irregular heartbeat, as well as shortness of breath, fatigue, and other symptoms.

If you’re experiencing an irregular heartbeat, it’s crucial to consult with a cardiologist or healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause. While there are many possible reasons for arrhythmias, it’s essential to rule out amyloidosis to ensure appropriate treatment is initiated promptly. (7)

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