10 Symptoms of an Ulcerative Colitis (UC) Flare-Up: Recognizing the Warning Signs and Managing Your Health

2. Frequent Diarrhea: A Disruptive and Debilitating Symptom of UC Flare-Ups

Frequent Diarrhea A Disruptive and Debilitating Symptom of UC Flare-Ups

During a UC flare-up, diarrhea is not only more frequent but may also be more severe. Loose, watery stools can occur multiple times a day, sometimes even waking you up at night. This increased frequency and urgency can significantly impact your daily life, making it challenging to participate in regular activities, attend social events, or even leave the house.

Frequent diarrhea during a UC flare-up can be attributed to inflammation in the colon. Inflammation causes the colon to lose its ability to effectively absorb water from the stool, leading to loose, watery bowel movements. Additionally, the irritated colon may work to push stool through the digestive tract more rapidly, further contributing to the frequency and urgency of diarrhea.

To manage frequent diarrhea during a UC flare-up, consider making dietary modifications, such as consuming low-fiber, easily digestible foods and avoiding irritants like caffeine and alcohol. Staying well-hydrated is also crucial, as diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration. Drinking water, electrolyte-replacement beverages, or clear broths can help replenish lost fluids.

In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medications to help manage diarrhea, such as antidiarrheal agents or corticosteroids. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new medications or making significant dietary changes. (2)

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