2. Itchiness and Irritation: The Unpleasant Sensation of Blepharitis

Another common symptom of blepharitis is itchiness and irritation around the affected eyelids. This sensation can be particularly bothersome, causing individuals to rub their eyes frequently. Unfortunately, excessive rubbing can further exacerbate the inflammation and potentially lead to additional complications, such as eye infections or corneal damage.
The itchiness and irritation may also be accompanied by a burning sensation, which can be quite distressing for the affected individual. This symptom can be triggered by various factors, including the release of inflammatory chemicals in response to the eyelid inflammation or the presence of bacteria on the eyelids.
In order to alleviate the itchiness and irritation, it is essential to identify and address the root cause of the blepharitis. For instance, if the condition is caused by an allergic reaction, it may be helpful to avoid the allergen or use over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops to manage the symptoms. In cases where bacterial infection is the culprit, a healthcare professional may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointments to help clear the infection.
Moreover, it is crucial to resist the urge to rub the eyes, as this can further aggravate the inflammation and potentially worsen the condition. Instead, consider using a cool compress to soothe the affected area and reduce the itchiness and irritation. (2)