10 Symptoms of Chikungunya Fever: Staying Informed and Prepared

10. Conjunctivitis: Chikungunya’s Eye Opener

Conjunctivitis Chikungunya's Eye Opener

Chikungunya has a way of affecting the body’s most unexpected parts, and the eyes are no exception. Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the thin layer covering the white of the eyes, is another symptom some patients experience. This isn’t the usual pink eye that’s contagious; it’s a direct result of the virus’s impact.

Eyes become red, itchy, and watery. There’s a gritty sensation, almost as if there’s a foreign particle inside. Bright lights can become unbearable, leading many to prefer dimly lit environments. Adding to the discomfort is the occasional discharge, making eyes sticky, especially after sleep.

This symptom, though not life-threatening, can be particularly bothersome. Our eyes are our windows to the world, and any discomfort there affects our daily functioning. Moreover, the redness can be quite visible, leading to additional stress.(10)

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