10 Symptoms of Chikungunya Fever: Staying Informed and Prepared

2. High Fever: Chikungunya’s Searing Introduction

High Fever Chikungunya's Searing Introduction

High fever is usually the first sign that something’s not right in our bodies. In the case of Chikungunya, it’s no different. Within a few days post the mosquito bite, individuals might experience a sudden onset of high fever. This isn’t your mild temperature spike; it’s a fiery, intense fever often reaching up to 104°F.

The fever’s onset is rapid, like an uninvited guest making a sudden entrance. During its course, which typically lasts a week, individuals might also experience chills and a feeling of warmth. It’s interesting to note that the fever pattern can sometimes be biphasic, meaning it might recede and then return.

Such a pattern can be perplexing and mentally taxing. Imagine thinking you’ve overcome the fever, only for it to return with a vengeance. This roller-coaster pattern isn’t universal but has been reported in many cases. (2)

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