Symptom 5: Incomplete Evacuation

One of the most perplexing feelings after a restroom visit is that of unfinished business. Incomplete evacuation is when you’ve made a sincere attempt, but a sensation persists, suggesting you’re not quite done. This isn’t merely a feeling; it’s a tangible signal of digestive discontent.
This sensation typically arises from the rectum’s inability to entirely clear out. This can be due to hard stools acting as obstructions, hindering the passage of subsequent waste. As a result, multiple restroom trips might be necessary, often leading to frustration and discomfort.
Diet is often the main culprit. Without sufficient roughage or dietary fiber, the body struggles to form soft, bulky stools. These stools easily traverse the digestive tract. A fiber-deprived diet results in harder stools that don’t evacuate as seamlessly. This, in turn, leads to that unsettling feeling of incompletion.
Our digestive system, likened to a conveyor belt, needs to operate at the right pace. Optimal speed ensures waste moves along efficiently. Slow motility, on the other hand, means waste overstays its welcome, hardening over time and resulting in the aforementioned symptom. (5)