Symptom 9: Fatigue or Mood Changes

Fatigue is not just about feeling a tad sleepy post-lunch. It’s a profound exhaustion, where even the simplest tasks seem mountainous. When paired with constipation, this fatigue isn’t just physical; there’s often a mental weight that accompanies it.
The link between constipation and fatigue is multifaceted. With constipation, the body is in a constant state of struggle, trying to expel stubborn waste. This constant effort, both by the intestines and supporting muscles, can sap energy levels. Additionally, toxins from stagnant waste, when absorbed, can play havoc with one’s energy levels.
Modern science has shed light on the gut-brain connection, highlighting how our digestive health can influence our mental state. An imbalanced gut can send distress signals to the brain, leading to mood disturbances. Ensuring a healthy gut, therefore, is pivotal not just for physical but also mental well-being.
Combatting fatigue and mood changes linked to constipation requires a holistic approach. Addressing the root – constipation – is paramount. Additionally, focusing on overall health, be it through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or mental well-being strategies, can work wonders. (9)