Symptom 3: Fragile Skin that Bruises Easily

For most people, bruises are a result of significant bumps or accidents. But for those with EDS, even a slight touch or minor bump can lead to prominent and painful bruising. This isn’t just a matter of delicate skin; it’s a deeper issue with the blood vessels and the skin’s protective mechanisms.
Collagen, which provides strength to the skin, is often defective in those with EDS. This means that the skin doesn’t have the usual resistance to trauma. So, a small bump that wouldn’t leave a mark on most people can cause blood vessels to break under the skin, leading to a bruise.
The bruises aren’t just frequent; they might also be more colorful and last longer than typical ones. They can range from deep purples and blues to yellows and greens as they heal. Moreover, the skin might not just bruise; it might tear or scar easily too.
For those living with this symptom of EDS, it’s a constant journey of being cautious. Activities that have a risk of physical contact or trauma might need extra precaution. Protective gear or padding might become essential even for everyday tasks. And while others might see these bruises and scars as mere marks, for many with EDS, they’re badges of their resilience and strength. (3)