10 Symptoms of Esophageal Motility Disorder (EMD) You Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 2: Chest Pain

Chest Pain

Now, when we talk about chest pain in the context of EMD, it’s a different beast from what most might think. Not to be mistaken for heart-related pain or common heartburn, the chest pain associated with EMD can be sharp, piercing, or even present as a burning sensation. What’s crucial here is the distinction. Because this pain can often lead individuals to believe they’re having heart problems, resulting in unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Upon feeling this discomfort, many might rush to the ER, fearful of heart complications. Yet, after numerous tests, they find their heart is in good shape, leading to confusion and sometimes even dismissal of the pain as “just anxiety” or “all in the mind”. But in reality, the esophagus, when not functioning correctly due to EMD, can send pain signals that mimic those of more severe cardiac issues.

This type of chest pain can also be erratic. It doesn’t always follow a pattern or get triggered by specific foods or activities. One might be fine for days or weeks and then suddenly experience intense pain. This unpredictability can further amplify the anxiety and distress associated with the symptom. (2)

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