10 Symptoms of Esthesioneuroblastoma: Your Detailed Insight

Symptom 2: Nosebleeds – Not to be Overlooked

Nosebleeds - Not to be Overlooked

A nosebleed, medically termed epistaxis, is often dismissed as a minor inconvenience. Dry climates, high altitudes, or even a slight nose pick can trigger it. But when nosebleeds start occurring without such obvious reasons, and with alarming regularity, it’s time to sit up and take notice.

It’s not just the frequency of the nosebleeds that’s concerning when it comes to esthesioneuroblastoma, but also their nature. They can be unexpectedly heavy, lasting longer than typical nosebleeds, causing significant concern and discomfort. This isn’t just about losing a few drops of blood; it’s about an unexplained hemorrhage that doesn’t seem to stem from the common triggers.

But what makes esthesioneuroblastoma cause such nosebleeds? The tumor’s positioning, in close proximity to the nasal blood vessels, can lead to increased vulnerability. As it grows, the tumor might exert pressure, or even infiltrate these vessels, making them prone to spontaneous bleeding.(2)

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