10 Symptoms of Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma (FHCC, Fibrolamellar Carcinoma, FLC)

Symptom 2: Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight fluctuations are a part of life. Factors ranging from diet and exercise to stress and sleep can play a role. However, rapid, unexplained weight loss is an entirely different ball game. When the scales tip drastically without any significant change in daily routine or diet, it’s time to pay attention.

Unintended weight loss, especially when drastic, affects more than just physical appearance. It can lead to fatigue, reduced resistance to infections, and other health complications. It’s also a tell-tale sign that the body isn’t absorbing nutrients efficiently or is in a hypermetabolic state, burning calories at an elevated rate.

In the context of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, weight loss can be attributed to the liver’s reduced efficiency in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Furthermore, tumors require energy to grow. They can divert nutrition from essential bodily functions, leading to a drop in weight.

Another angle to consider is the body’s response to cancer cells. The immune system might ramp up its activity to combat the foreign entities, leading to increased energy expenditure. Over time, this heightened metabolic state can lead to weight loss.(2)

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