Symptom 4: Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge, a natural and healthy occurrence in women, can undergo changes with the onset of genital herpes. Under typical circumstances, vaginal discharge plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the vaginal environment. However, with herpes, an unexpected change in its consistency, volume, or color can signal an underlying issue.
The herpes virus, in its quest to replicate, can cause inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis). This inflammation can lead to an increase in discharge, often described as “watery” or “mucoid”. While vaginal discharge changes can be attributed to a myriad of reasons, from hormonal fluctuations to other infections, its sudden alteration in the context of other herpes symptoms becomes noteworthy.
Recognizing this change can be instrumental in seeking early intervention. Moreover, understanding that this symptom is a bodily response to the viral invasion can alleviate some associated concerns. A routine gynecological checkup can help ascertain the cause of the change in discharge and guide appropriate treatment. (4)