10 Symptoms of Indigestion (Dyspepsia) in Children

Symptom 10: Weight Loss or Poor Growth

Weight Loss or Poor Growth

Growth charts and regular weight checks are more than just numbers; they’re a mirror to a child’s overall health. When a child consistently falls below their growth curve or exhibits sudden weight loss, it’s a cause for concern. Behind those dropping numbers could be a tumultuous tummy, struggling to digest and absorb nutrients properly.

The digestive system is like a processing unit, breaking down food, extracting nutrients, and ensuring they’re absorbed into the bloodstream. Any hiccup in this process can lead to decreased nutrient absorption. Indigestion, with its array of disruptive symptoms, can hamper this essential function.

It’s not only about the quantity of food consumed. Indigestion can lead to malabsorption, where the body, despite getting adequate nutrition, fails to absorb it. This can result in deficiencies, which over time, can impact growth and overall health.

Physical symptoms aside, chronic indigestion can also have emotional repercussions. A child, tired of the constant discomfort, might associate meals with pain and distress, leading to a further decrease in food intake. This emotional aversion can further compound the issue of poor growth or weight loss.(10)

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