10 Symptoms of Indigestion (Dyspepsia) in Children

Symptom 9: Persistent Coughing

Persistent Coughing

Coughing is usually linked to colds or respiratory issues. But here’s the twist: sometimes, that persistent cough, especially after meals, isn’t about the lungs at all. It’s the digestive system waving a red flag. When a child’s cough lingers, especially after they eat or when they lie down, it might be tied back to issues within their digestive tract.

The human body, in all its complexity, has fascinating ways of showing distress. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a severe form of acid reflux, can lead to stomach contents moving upwards. When these contents, especially the acidic part, reach the throat, it can trigger a cough reflex. It’s the body’s protective mechanism, trying to clear away the irritants.

Night times can exacerbate this symptom. Ever noticed your child coughing more as they lie down to sleep? Gravity plays a role here. Lying down can make it easier for stomach contents to travel up, leading to more frequent and persistent coughing bouts during the night.

Apart from the immediate discomfort of constant coughing, there’s another concern. Persistent acid exposure to the throat can lead to inflammation, further irritating the area. This inflammation, combined with the coughing, can make swallowing painful and lead to a hoarse voice.(9)

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