10. Chest Pain and Cough: Alarming Signs from Within

Coughs are frequent companions, especially during cold and flu season. But not all coughs are created equal. While most are benign, resulting from irritants or transient infections, a persistent cough can sometimes hint at deeper issues, especially when accompanied by chest pain.
In some individuals with MCL, the lymph nodes within the chest region become affected. As these nodes enlarge due to the proliferation of cancer cells, they can press against the lungs or airways. This pressure not only triggers a cough but can also cause discomfort or pain in the chest area.
It’s not the typical dry cough you’d experience with allergies or the phlegmy one from a cold. It’s persistent, often dry, and can be accompanied by shortness of breath. The chest pain isn’t the sharp sting of a pulled muscle, but a deep, dull ache – like a constant, heavy pressure. (10)