8. Swelling of the Lymph Nodes: Silent Indicators Flaring Up

The human body is laced with a vast network of lymph nodes. These tiny, bean-shaped structures act as checkpoints for our immune system, filtering harmful substances and producing cells that combat infections.
They’re akin to small outposts, monitoring and defending against invaders. In most cases, they quietly go about their work, largely unnoticed.
Mantle Cell Lymphoma, like several other lymphomas, targets these very nodes. As the cancerous cells multiply within the nodes, they cause them to swell. It’s not the subtle puffiness you might experience with a common cold.
The swelling is pronounced, forming lumps that are palpable and, in some cases, visible. Often, they’re found in the neck, armpits, or groin – places where the nodes are close to the skin’s surface. (8)