10 Symptoms of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) You Need to Know

Symptom 2: Increased Protein in Urine (Bence Jones Proteinuria)

Increased Protein in Urine (Bence Jones Proteinuria)

When we think about urine, protein isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Typically, our kidneys ensure that proteins, which are vital constituents of our blood, don’t make their way into the urine. These organs function like meticulous sieves, retaining crucial elements in our bloodstream and expelling wastes. However, with certain conditions, especially those linked to MGUS, the dynamics change, leading to what’s termed as ‘proteinuria’.

Detecting protein in one’s urine isn’t merely a symptom; it’s a strong indicator of underlying renal challenges. For patients with MGUS, this usually means the presence of light chains, often referred to as Bence Jones proteins. These proteins are not the typical ones found in blood. Instead, they are a byproduct of the abnormal plasma cells that MGUS is known for. When these proteins are excreted in urine, it’s a sign that the kidneys are overwhelmed and unable to filter them out efficiently.

While the kidneys are designed to handle the daily rigors of filtration, they aren’t necessarily equipped to deal with the abnormal proteins from MGUS. These proteins can deposit in the kidneys, impairing their functionality. Over time, this can lead to chronic kidney issues. The presence of these proteins in the urine isn’t just an immediate concern; it’s a red flag signaling the potential long-term implications for renal health.

Realizing that your body is excreting valuable proteins can be unsettling. Patients might notice frothy urine or even experience back pain. Additionally, the awareness of an underlying kidney challenge can lead to anxiety. It’s not just about the physiological symptoms; the psychological impact, knowing that an essential organ might be compromised, can be significant. (2)

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