Symptom 9: Protrusion of the Eye or a Drooping Eyelid
One of the most visually alarming symptoms, a protruding eye or a drooping eyelid, isn’t something that can be ignored or attributed to fatigue. In RMS, when the tumor grows in the orbital region, it can manifest as these symptoms, often signaling a pressing need for medical attention.
The change might be gradual. Parents might first observe a slight asymmetry in the eyes. The child might complain of blurred vision or a change in their field of vision. These aren’t changes that can be rectified with a good night’s sleep; they hint at an underlying pathology.
Delving deeper, it’s essential to understand the impact this symptom can have on the child’s psyche. Apart from the physical discomfort, there’s a cosmetic aspect. The child might feel self-conscious, face teasing, or even bullying, which can be detrimental to their self-esteem.
Vigilance is key. Regularly capturing photographs can help track the progression of this symptom. Any associated complaints, like pain, visual disturbances, or tearing, should be promptly noted. (9)